Sadia Osman Lorin


Sadia Osman Lorin is in the final year of her undergraduate studies at the Institute of Marine Sciences, University of Chittagong. Her research interests encompass the domains of biological oceanography including coastal ecological engineering. She has been conducting an extensive study on the taxonomic identification and habitat quality assessment (i.e. physiochemical parameters, soil characteristcis, and organic carbon estimation) of phyllophorid sea cucumbers associated with seagrass beds on the southeastern coast of Bangladesh.
Sadia is competent in a diverse range of software-based tools, such as QGIS, ArcGIS, R, and Python, which takes her a step ahead to a strong analytical approach. She formerly worked in a research expedition namely “Assessing the ecosystem health of the Sundarbans”, where she had investigated the benthic fauna distribution in the Sundarbans that provided valuable insights into the effect of monsoonal river discharges and climate change on their diversity. Additionally, she is involved with OILAB delta research group, who are investigating to develop eco-engineering technologies using coastal 

habitats (e.g., oysters, seagrass, saltmarsh, and mangrove) as nature based solutions for reducing coastal erosion in active deltas. These coastal habitats are considered as eco-engineers, which can change coastal eco-morphology by trapping sediments and changing hydro-dynamics. Sadia is committed to addressing the challenges in the coastal ecosystems and their ecosystem services to explore the opportunities for the benefits of environment and coastal communities.