Programs and Projects

OILAB contributes to a range of scientific efforts that help to understand bio-physical environments of the northern Bay of Bengal along with technological innovations for sustainable uses of coastal and marine resources through applied ocean researches both nationally and internationally.

1. Coastal and Ocean Observation System (COOS) development program

COOS development program is a science-driven initiative by the OILAB that aims to build a prototype ocean observation system to deliver real-time data in order to address critical science questions regarding the role of dynamic monsoonal climate in the Bay of Bengal large marine ecosystem. The objective of the program is to create a dynamic, real-time network of sensors that monitor key ocean parameters, feeding this data into sophisticated ocean models, leveraging the power of ‘IoT’ (Internet of Things) and advanced algorithms to enhance accuracy in hydrodynamics, wave modeling, and environmental forecasting. To achieve this, OILAB are incorporating various sensors specifically designed for marine environments, such as: (1) CTD Sensors (Conductivity, Temperature, and Depth): CTD sensors are critical for measuring the conductivity and temperature of seawater, which helps us determine salinity and understand water mass formation. These sensors will provide essential input data for models like ROMS (Regional Ocean Modeling System) and SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore); (2) ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler): ADCPs are essential for measuring current velocities across a water column. This data is crucial for understanding water circulation and ocean dynamics in coastal regions, feeding data into hydrodynamic models such as Delft3D; (3) Wave Buoys: These buoys measure wave height, direction, and frequency, providing real-time data for wave modeling systems like SWAN. By integrating this data with ‘IoT’ and deep learning, wave conditions can be simulated and predicted with high accuracy; and (4) Turbidity Sensors: Turbidity sensors measure water clarity and are particularly useful in studies related to sediment transport and water quality. These can be integrated into models that simulate sediment movement in environments with high turbidity, such as estuaries and coastal regions.

Three aspects have been considered under this program: (1) monitoring the long term variability of sea surface temperature (SST), sea surface salinity, pH, and chlorophyll concentration over the Bay of Bengal using satellite based records as vital indicators of changing climate in the maritime regime; (2) monitoring the land use and land cover changes in near shore and offshore islands of Bangladesh; and (3) tracking the coastal geo-morphological dynamics and shoreline positions including accretion-erosion trends along the Bangladesh coasts, applying remote sensing (RS) and GIS tools.

Many coastlines of Bangladesh are becoming vulnerable due to changes in ocean hydrodynamics and their complex interaction with various anthropogenic processes. This innovation program is formulated to develop vulnerability models for understanding the relationship and interactions between coastal morphology and hydrodynamics, which is crucial for predicting the changes in coastal configuration. These models are considering hydrodynamics, geo-morphological and social characteristics of the coast to identify the vulnerable zones and the vulnerable receptors that will help to select mitigation strategies, make a way for policy makers to take the necessary steps for enhancing coastal resilience.

OILAB has been trying to improve analytical skills through development of multiple ocean models for better understanding hydrodynamic nature of the northern Bay of Bengal under this program. OILAB integrates different computer language programs for ocean modeling, such as: (1) Python: With its rich ecosystem of libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, and SciPy, Xarray Python allows OILAB members to perform data preprocessing, statistical analysis, and numerical computation on collected ocean data. Additionally, libraries like TensorFlow, Keras, and PyTorch are used for developing predictive models of ocean conditions. OILAB also uses Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Plotly packages for data visualization, helping the lab scientists to interpret the data effectively. Python’s flexibility enables to integrate deep learning algorithms to improve forecasting accuracy over time. For example, Scikit-learn helps in building classification and regression models, while XGBoost and LightGBM are used for handling large-scale data processing efficiently; (2) R: OILAB uses different R packages such as dplyr, ggplot2, tidyr, caret, randomForest, CopernicusDEM etc. for data organization, visualization, statistical modeling, machine learning, and more; (3) MATLAB: Known for its strengths in numerical computation and data visualization, MATLAB is a preferred tool for OiLAB members conducting ocean modeling. With MATLAB, OiLAB simulate ocean processes using pre-built toolboxes such as the Ocean Modeling Toolbox, which offers ready-made functions for simulating wave patterns, ocean circulation, and other hydrodynamic processes. MATLAB’s visualization capabilities also enable to create detailed charts and graphs, helping to interpret model outputs efficiently; and (4) ArcGIS: OiLAB uses different GIS tools for creating maps based on satellite imageries and geo-spatial visualization of ocean data. Moreover, OILAB also uses different free-surfaces models, such as: (1) SWAN (Simulating WAves Nearshore) for simulating wave propagation and transformations in coastal regions; (2) ROMS (Regional Ocean Modeling System) for studying ocean circulation and predicting coastal hydrodynamics; and (3) Delft3D for simulating water movement, sediment transport, and water quality in northern Bay of Bengal.

Management of coastal ecosystem has become a pivotal issue for northern Bay of Bengal, which is extremely dynamic due to the influences of monsoonal climate. Particularly, the primary productivity acts as the base of food web and indicator of ecosystem health for this region, but extremely varying with nutrient fluxes that are largely depending on river discharges from GBM and other river systems. This program is initiated to develop ecosystem models for primary productivity estimation considering the nutrients inputs along with the hydro-dynamic characteristics of the coastal system. The model use ‘kinetics of enzyme theory’ and ‘Michaelis-Menten’ nutrient uptake approaches to determine the effects of nutrients on phytoplankton growth. The model is supported by the field observational data related to nutrients, temperature, light, salinity, hydrodynamic forces and other biological processes that influences the primary productivity. Moreover, OiLAB has extensive spatio-temporal field monitoring program to monitor the plankton diversity and their biomass (i.e. Chlorophyll) to validate the model outputs.

Ship breaking activities in the coastal areas have gained national importance for the Bangladesh economy. Increasing demand of raw materials for re-rolling mills and negative impacts on coastal environments, ship breaking activities present both challenges and opportunities for area based management in south-eastern coast of Bangladesh (i.e. Chattogram). Sea level rise (SLR) along with the extreme weather events make these coasts more vulnerable which is also exacerbated by the unplanned urbanization and development of industries in ecologically sensitive coastal areas. This program is dealing to develop DPSIR model for ship breaking sites, which is based on a chain of causal links starting from ‘driving forces’ (i.e. economic, environmental and human activities) through ‘pressures’ (i.e. emissions, waste, discharges etc.) leading to ‘states’ (i.e. physical, chemical and biological situation of biota and environment) and ‘impacts’ on targets such as ecosystems and human health, eventually giving political or technical ‘responses’ (i.e. taxes, environmental law). This model will assess the coastal ecosystem vulnerability for ship breaking regions and modulate its response to stressors over time and space. The model outputs will be translated into policy documents to support the sustainable coastal zone management plans for south-east coastal region of Bangladesh.

This program aims to characterize the phytoplankton community succession on the northern coast of the Bay of Bengal at monthly interval using spectrophotometric chlorophyll-a determination and light microscopy screening. Monthly samples have been collecting at spring tide during the day time from different locations on south-east coast using a plankton net, preserved, appropriately labeled, and sent to the laboratory for analysis. Physio-chemical parameters including nutrients (i.e. NO3-N, PO4-P) are monitoring and the quantitative estimations (i.e. biomass and cell numbers) of phytoplankton are done by fluorescence sensors and the Sedgewick-Rafter counting chamber method using light microscopes.

Saltmarsh and mangrove habitats are among the most productive coastal ecosystem that houses a considerable amount of carbon working as carbon sink pool. This program aims to estimate carbon sequestration potential in the nearshore Islands, located in the south-east of Bangladesh by measuring the organic carbon content of saltmarsh and mangrove bed soil along with their distribution, abundance, and biomass. This program contribute for long-term coastal monitoring plan for essential conservation and management of existing saltmarsh and mangrove habitats and preventing further degradation and loss in those near shore Islands that can be leveraged as a nature-based solution for CO2 emission reductions.

OILAB has been monitoring sediment dynamics along with sediment flocculation, deposition and erosion rates in Kutubdia coasts since 2014, which is known as the most erosion prone area of the country. This knowledge contributed to technological innovation for trapping sediments and reducing coastal erosion through changing coastal hydrodynamics. However, OiLAB has planned to launch a special program for monitoring suspended sediment transport and their deposition rates at continental shelf areas of Bangladesh through model development that can provide valuable insights to understand the coastal geo-morphological changes and their effects on coastal and marine ecosystems. Under this program (season 2024 – 2025), OiLAB already have taken necessary initiatives to monitor suspended sediment loads in the coral inhibiting St. Martin’s Island MPA that transports from the Naf, Karnaphuli and adjacent Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna (GBM) river systems. This initiative is also addressing the performances of hermatypic and ahermatypic corals along with their associates in such turbid water systems.

Microplastic pollution has become a serious concern in the Bay of Bengal region. It is posing a threat to marine biota and human health through trophic transfer of microplastics and their bioaccumulation. OiLAB members contributed to determine microplastics in gastrointestinal tracts of commercial fishes and shrimps, which were the first account of microplastics (MPs) from the northern Bay of Bengal. However, OiLAB has taken an extensive microplastic monitoring initiative that aims to determine the pathways of MPs within marine food webs. This study focused on taking water, sediment and biota samples representing all trophic levels from over 200 geo-spatial shallow and offshore locations through a belt survey along the 710 km long coast to understand the effects of MPs in marine ecosystem of the Bay of Bengal.

OILAB has been tracking the changes in community composition in the coral and rocky reef ecosystems, located in the St. Martin’s Island MPA. The lab is using a standardized monitoring protocol deploying Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structure (ARMS) tool at various depths in St. Martin’s Island MPA for understanding the complexities of the ecosystem and its long-term response to environmental and anthropogenic threats through time. ARMS acts as biological weather station and allow OiLAB to sample the sessile and mobile marine organisms effectively as a standard method to measure marine biodiversity. This standard census allows OILAB researchers to compare one place to another, even in other geographical regions with similar efforts or how one place changes over time and how marine species respond to different ocean states, based on these ARMS communities. It can help to predict and plan actions for a healthier ecosystem.

Coastal and marine habitats are under pressure and changing rapidly due to climate induced factors and mad-made activities. OiLAB aims to better understand these changes through developing predictive habitat models, based on ecological relationships and their interactions, which are mathematically defined between habitats and associated environmental or geographic variables of those habitats. OILAB have developed benthic ecosystem model for marine bivalve habitats along the 397 km coastlines of south-eastern part of Bangladesh. Moreover, OiLAB has been investigating the ecological functions and assessing the environmental variables for coral, seagrass, saltmarsh, mangrove and other benthic habitat models development. These models visualize current and future habitat composition geo-spatially that can help resource managers or policymaker for selecting strategies to area based sustainable ecosystem management. This program has been contributing to develop marine spatial planning (MSP) identifying critical habitats that needs immediate action for conservation and restoration.

The coastline of Bangladesh has changed rapidly over the last few decades. Shoreline erosion is increasingly threatening coastal communities and their livelihoods, forcing thousands of people to migrate to the mainland. OiLAB is pioneer in investigating to innovate nature based solutions using ecological engineering (or ‘eco-engineering’) techniques that combines engineering principles with ecological processes to prevent coastal erosion. Recognizing that traditional hardened structures may not be able to keep pace with SLR or address related climate changes, OiLAB efforts have focused on developing more sustainable shoreline protection strategies that are resilient to climate change impacts while also being self-repairing. These efforts are based on growing evidence that natural coastal ecosystems can contribute significantly to cost-effective coastal protection strategies by reducing the impacts of erosion and flooding, while also lessening losses of commercial and recreational fisheries, related livelihoods, and cultural values within coastal communities. OiLAB has innovated eco-engineering techniques using oyster reefs as breakwater to reduce coastal erosion that was successfully piloted in erosion prone Moheshkhali and Kutubdia Islands of Bangladesh. Moreover, OiLAB is dealing with mangrove, salt marshes, and seagrass, which form part of the biotic environment of the coastal ecosystems in Bangladesh and known as eco-system engineers. OiLAB is also investigating their eco-morphological ability to develop eco-engineering approaches that can provide coastal protection through trapping sediments and promoting accretion.

OiLAB IMTA program is featured to make a positive social and economic impact creating new economic opportunities for generating incomes through different innovative aquaculture practices and employments for underprivileged coastal people of southeastern Bangladesh.
This program aims to provide alternative livelihoods through technological innovations and improvements in community based coastal and marine aquaculture systems. This program is designed for the integrated production of aquaculture species of different trophic levels under a circular economy approach, minimizing energy losses and environmental deterioration. Following this sustainable aquaculture concept focusing both onshore and offshore coastal waters, community based multiple configurations of multi-trophic aquaculture systems: (1) onshore indoor and outdoor integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTAs) and (2) offshore floating integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) are going to be developed and tested with the simultaneous production of vertebrate (i.e. seabass, mullet, seabream, goby) and invertebrate species (i.e. shrimp, carb, mussel, oyster, polychetes) and algae (i.e. seaweed and micro-algae) in the south-eastern coast of Bangladesh. This program is novel in nature that deal the conventional (marine fishes, crab, shrimp) and non-conventional (goby, mussel, oysters) marine fisheries items to develop their production systems and can fit for many coastal regions in Bangladesh.

To explore the full benefits of having large shallow coastal water areas, OiLAB is investigating to diversify mariculture technologies for untapped marine fisheries items such as marine fishes and shellfishes. Considering the dynamic nature of these shallow coasts, OiLAB is making effort to innovate hydro-dynamic marine cage systems for rearing marine fishes (i.e. seabass, mullets, and breams) under this AQUAPOD program. Spheroid shape net cages are going to be constructed that can withstand the harsh monsoon season and can face storm surges. Two categories of sites (i.e. highly exposed and relatively sheltered) are selected to test the developed sea cages that will ensure the replicability for other sites.

Microalgae cultivation in photobioreactors (PBRs) has gaining lot of interest as a sustainable approach that offer multiple benefits across diverse applications. OiLAB has been investigating to advance the photo-bioreactor technology optimizing the design that can ensure maximum production maintaining the purity of the algae. Moreover, this investigation has been evaluating the effects of light, solar irradiation, temperature, nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in culture media, CO2 concentrations, and pH on microalgae growth performance.

OiLAB is going to develop an outdoor facility, where innovation will be made to develop he raceway systems for investigating the growth and reproduction performance of fast swimming migratory marine fishes under captive conditions. The raceway system will have the facilities to mimic the coastal waters and natural productivity that can accelerate fish growth rates through providing natural food and reducing dependency on artificial diets.

St. Martin’s Island is a biodiversity hotspot in the northeastern Bay of Bengal that delineates the northern-most extent for scleractinian corals in the Bay of Bengal and provides critical habitat for rare, endangered, and threatened marine species. Different anthropogenic activities (e.g. unplanned tourism development, coral extraction, fishing, boat anchorage, pollution) along with several key natural environmental factors (e.g. sedimentation, turbidity, low salinity, rising sea surface temperature) are posing serious threats to the Island biodiversity including coral communities. Several recent studies have documented rapid degradation of coral habitat quality leading to loss of biodiversity and reducing the ecological health of St. Martin’s Island to a critical state. In January 2022, Bangladesh established a Marine Protected Area (MPA) on St. Martin’s Island and nearby water areas to a depth of 70m, which covers an area of 1,743 km2 under the Bangladesh Wildlife Act 2012. The Bangladesh government is planning to develop a detailed area-based management plan for the new MPA that require new environmental and biodiversity information. OiLAB has been implementing an extensive research project that aims to support Bangladesh government in their decision making process for formulating appropriate conservation and management strategies to restore the health of the coral communities and associated habitats on St. Martin’s Island MPA. Currently, the project is investigating the current status of coral and coral-associated habitats using geospatial techniques and underwater visual surveys. Moreover, a functioning coral habitat management framework are being developed with the consultation of concerned stakeholders (governmental agencies, local coastal community, fishermen, tourism operators, NGOs, etc.) for sustainable use of coral and associated resources.

Tropical seagrass meadows are among the most productive coastal ecosystems that provide numerous ecological and economic functions. Seagrass meadows play an important role in stabilizing bottom sediments, reducing the water current and thereby promoting sedimentation and providing habitat for resident and transient fauna. Despite these ecological functions, this ecosystem and their functions have been suffering along the Bangladesh coasts due to coastal developments and seasonal morphodynamics. OiLAB is monitoring the seagrass meadows along the Bangladesh coast for understanding their eco-morphological changes, which are influenced by the monsoonal climate. OiLAB is conducting field researches for assessing the habitat quality along with their seasonal dynamics in growth performances and distributions. This study also include faunal samplings in order to elucidate the roles of seagrass habitat in maintaining coastal biodiversity. OiLAB is preparing a management framework as policy guideline to conserve and restore seagrass systems that can facilitate the recovery of seagrass habitat functions and services.

Recent evidence indicates that jellyfish and other gelatinous zooplankton populations are increasing in Bangladesh coast. Their population is controlling the plankton dynamics in coastal waters through predation. Their occurrence may be related to higher water temperature and salinity resulting from global warming, but the detailed mechanism involved has not been identified. OiLAB has initiated an extensive monitoring program to record their diversity, abundance and geo-spatial distribution along with their cascade effect to food chains in south-eastern coastal waters. Moreover, OiLAB is investigating the hydro-biological factors that are favoring the gelatinous zooplankton for their mass aggregations in Bangladesh coast. 

Bangladesh maintains the position as the top ship recycling nation, which is accounting for over 35% of the world total and offering economic opportunities. However, these activities also pose a serious environmental concern due to the release of heavy metals into coastal water bodies. The dismantling process results in the discharge of heavy metals (e.g. Pb, Cu, Cd, Cr and Ni) leading to marine ecosystem contamination which adversely affects the coastal and marine life. Particularly, heavy metals in coastal environments may accumulate in seafood through the food web and pose risks to human health. OiLAB has an extensive monitoring program to investigate the occurrence, bioaccumulation, and trophic magnification in aquatic food web, along with the health risks of heavy metals in commercial fishes and shrimps. Currently, OiLAB is conducting a field survey on levels of heavy metals in the samples including waters, sediments and marine organisms collected from Chittagong coastal waters near ship breaking and recycling yards. This study aims to analyze the transfer of heavy metals in the coastal and marine food webs and assess the potential risk of heavy metals from consumption of seafood.

Sundarbans is the world’s largest mangrove forest, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, lies on the delta of the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna (GBM) rivers on the Bay of Bengal. It is one of biologically diverse and conservation landscapes of global priority that provides enormous ecological goods and services. The Sundarbans play an important role in regulating key ecological processes to maintain coastal and marine diversity in the northern Bay of Bengal. Over 3.5 million people depend on Sundarbans for their livelihood and income. It acts as a bio-shield and protects human lives and habitation from tropical cyclones and storm surges. The Sundarbans forest is facing many environmental challenges. The ability of this ecosystem to support and maintain ecological processes and a diverse community of organisms are becoming weaker than before. Sundarban habitat conditions are degraded at an alarming rate due to environmental factors such as reduction in freshwater discharge flow, increase in sea level rise, salinity intrusion and sedimentation. OiLAB has been conducting oceanographic surveys periodically to assess the ecosystem health and determine the magnitudes of ecological changes through monitoring the hydrobiology of the aquatic system. Moreover, OiLAB is addressing the impacts Rampal coal power plant on coastal biodiversity. OiLAB is collecting various environmental data from over 75 locations in Sibsa, Passsur, Sela, Raimangol, Malancha rivers and their estuaries in the Sundarbans. Moreover, based on the environmental data, OiLAB is developing a functional ecosystem model to identify the critical areas that need conservation.

Elasmobranchs (i.e. sharks, rays, skates, and sawfish) are specialized to their specific environments and facing environmental crises. Many of these populations have experienced severe declines over the past few decades due to significant threats from overfishing, habitat degradation, and climate change in Bangladesh coasts that are removing their ecosystem role. OiLAB has initiated a monitoring program to address these challenges and ensure the long-term health and sustainability of Elasmobranchs species along the Bangladesh coast. Particularly, OiLAB is collecting the time series data of sharks and rays that were caught and landed on St. Martin’s Island MPA. Moreover, the present study is investigating the environmental connections and ecological interactions of elasmobranchs with benthic invertebrates, fishes, seaweeds, and other living and nonliving components within the marine protected area (MPA) of St. Martin’s Island. By examining the intricate relationships between these species and their environment, this study aims to assess how elasmobranchs adapt to seasonal changes and interact with key components of the monsoon dominated tropical marine ecosystem. Additionally, this research is exploring the dietary preferences of elasmobranchs and compares these with other known distribution sites to highlight potential regional dietary variations. OiLAB is also evaluating the conservation status of elasmobranchs around St. Martin’s Island, focusing on current protective measures and their effectiveness in ensuring the sustainability of these vulnerable species.

The coral reef ecosystems in the Bay of Bengal are home to over 1,000 fish species and contribute 25% to marine capture fisheries, mostly from fringing reefs. St. Martin’s Island is a sedimentary continental landmass located in the northeastern Bay of Bengal. The intertidal and shallow subtidal habitats of St. Martin’s Island are unique and are characterized mostly by rocky reefs that support a diverse coral community which provides the foundation for unique coral associated fish assemblages. While the area is biologically diverse and provides critical habitat for several rare, endangered and threatened species, it remains poorly studied due to lack of necessary resources for in-depth underwater surveys, as well as its remoteness from major academic and research institutions in Bangladesh. OiLAB has been monitoring reef ecosystem for investigating reef associated fish assemblages and their ecological interactions through extensive underwater surveys in the St. Martin’s Island MPA. OiLAB is contributing to new species records that extend the range of coral reef associated fishes to the northeastern region of the Bay of Bengal, a region under strong influence of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna, Krishna and Godavari River systems.

Various environmental factors such as salinity, temperature, pressure, inorganic and organic matters, and pH are known to influence the microbial community structure of a coastal and marine ecosystems. Microbial communities of surface and sub-surface waters are dominated by the seafloor sediment affiliated bacterial and archaeal communities, which drive various biogeochemical processes. Microbial communities in seafloor sediment are phylogenetically diverse and many of them are physiologically unknown microbial cells. It may contain natural nutrient cyclers and harsh-living prokaryotic species with possible biotechnology and pharmaceutical applications. OiLAB is investigating the composition and structure of coastal microbial communities from the ship breaking and recycling sites, located along the south-eastern coast of Bangladesh. The selected areas are known for excessive ship breaking activities with serious pollution, which make the area unique for a study of microbiological concern. Moreover, OiLAB has multiple research programs to collect biotic samples (i.e., marine fish, marine sponges, echinoderms, deep sea corals, deep sea sediments etc.) for investing associated micro-biome. These studies are is first of its kind from the coastal wand marine waters of Bangladesg that are exploring novel micorobiota, novel biosynthetic and secondary metabolite production gene cluster, antibiotic producing strains, and enzymes of industrial importance using molecular tools and techniques.

The Bay of Bengal (BoB) is recognized to be one of the world’s most polluted seas by the influence of urban and industrial waste, where a large part of this pollution is plastic waste. The Ganges-Bhramaputra-Meghna (GBM) system releases 1-3 billion microplastics into the BoB every day, while abandoned, lost or discarded fishing gear (ALDFG) significantly contributes to the plastic pollution burden of the BoB. Institute of Marine Sciences (IMS) has been implementing a sub-project ‘Community-based Reduction of Plastic Pollution’ as part of Plastic Free Rivers and Seas for South Asia (PLEASE) Project, which is funded by the World Bank and Parley for the Oceans, and implemented by South Asia Cooperative Environment Programme (SACEP), with the support of United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS). OiLAB members are contributing in this project that aims to reduce environment pollution from plastic wastes by strengthening the circular economy for maximum use of materials over multiple cycles and replace single-use plastics with innovation of biodegradable materials for community livelihoods. More specifically, the project is featured to reduce risk to rivers and seas through circulating plastic materials in the economy for recovering maximum value, while capacity building of coastal communities for their behavioural change and business partnership to alternative livelihoods.

Marine sponges are functionally important members of the benthic community and often contain dense and diverse microbial assemblages. These microbes play crucial roles in ecosystem functioning (i.e. nutrient and carbon cycling, organic matter degradation etc.), and the production of bioactive compounds within the sponge holobiont. The potential roles of most microorganisms associated with marine sponge from Bay of Bengal region are, as yet, largely unknown. OiLAB has been investigating the composition, diversity, and functional potential of sponge-associated microbiomes for better understanding the complex interactions between sponges and their microbial partners. Particularly, OiLAB is exploring the marine sponges and their associated microbiomes, which are rich source of natural products, showing promise to medicinal, agricultural, and industrial applications. This project is attempting to develop a baseline information providing valuable taxonomic information from underexplored Bay of Bengal regions, which may contribute to the discovery of new bioactive compounds and enzymes for biotechnological applications.

Shellfish aquaculture is a sustainable green industry and has an important role in food supply and food security throughout the world. Particularly, bivalve mollusc such as oyster and mussel aquaculture have been consider as one of the economic activities and contribute to blue economic growth to many nations. Despite having large diversity marine mollusc (>300 species) in Bangladesh coastal waters, knowledge regarding their culture potentiality is still scarce. OiLAB conducted a project, funded by the Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute (BFRI) that explored the opportunity, whether mussel (Perna viridis) based integrated mariculture system can be developed for Bangladesh coastal waters that can provide an income-generating option to coastal community for improving their socioeconomic conditions.
The project developed sustainable mussel culture techniques with a floating farm concept that has been successfully piloted and demonstrated in the south-eastern coast of Bangladesh. Additionally, this project developed an ecosystem based habitat suitability model as a decision making tool to identify suitable site for mussel aquaculture development. Moreover, this study provided valuable insights about the mussel spawning seasons and driving ecological factors. Two spawning peaks (i.e. December – January; and May – June) has been observed during the investigation periods. Increases in Chlorophyll-a concentration and fluctuations in salinity have been identified a vital ecological factors that triggered natural spawning. This knowledge can be utilized to collect wild spawners and prepare the breeding techniques for artificial spawning and hatching in captive conditions.

Seaweeds production can play a significant role in catalyzing sustainable aquaculture activity in many developing countries. Despite having over 8500 km2 (<5 m depth) exploitable coastal area and 335 different types of natural populations of seaweeds, only few species are cultivated on a limited scale due to environmental, technological and socio-economic constraints. OiLAB members were contributed in a project, funded by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) that aimed to assess present status with major challenges of seaweed production, processing, value addition and marketing to tap its potential role in food security and community resilience. The project team collected primary data visiting to seaweed farming sites, and consulting with farmers and relevant stakeholders to better understand the present status of seaweed culture, existing challenges and a possible way forward. Through quantitative and qualitative analyses, this study determined potential contribution of seaweeds toward achieving several targets of United Nations sustainable development goals (SDGs) and the blue economic development in Bangladesh. A roadmap for seaweed-based new frontiers with necessary interventions have been suggested to promote the seaweed industry in Bangladesh. The strategies to leverage key activities include – (1) zooning of seaweed farming areas, (2) farming intensification and integration, (3) seed bank for commercially important seaweed species, (4) post-harvest management, (5) value-added products and market development, and (6) establishing seaweed-based forward linkage sub-sectors. The project was concluded that the future of seaweed farming in Bangladesh will likely depend upon suitable site selection followed by adaption of improved culture techniques, production volume and market demand.

Integration of Fisheries Resources into Development Initiatives at Patuakhali Coastal Zone
The rivers, channels and tributaries of the Patuakhali coastal zone are rich in fisheries biodiversity, and well known for hilsa breeding and nursery grounds as well as migration route of endangered aquatic mammals, such as dolphins. These coastal zones are under pressure due to recent development of seaport, thermal power plant (TPP) and coastal economic zone. OILAB member has contributed to the project, which evaluated the 19 bio-hydro-climatic variables (e.g. water quality, sediment characteristics, bathrmetry, erosion-accretion patterns, and oceanographic processes), taking samples from the Andermanik River, Rabnabad channel, Kajol River, Bura Gauranga River and Tetulia River at the Kalapara-Galachipa coastal ecosystems to identify the hilsa hotspots, mangroves and accreted areas for assessing the fisheries ecosystem health. The project has drawn the scenario visualizing scientific data and explained the socio-environmental impacts of TPP and other economic activities. Moreover, the project provided a comprehensive environmental management plan for environment-friendly operation of thermal power plants as well as sustaining fisheries habitats and migration routes in the Andermanik-Ramnabad-Bura Gauranga-Tetulia ecosystems.   [Project report].

The objective of the ECOBAS project was to provide the coastal people of Bangladesh with an alternative approach for adaptation to coastal erosion and flooding. By using the concept of “eco-engineering” the natural resistance of shellfish reefs against hydrodynamic forces reduces human vulnerability to coastal erosion and flooding, and delivers a source of aquatic food. ECOBAS stands for ECO-engineered Coastal Defence Integrated with Sustainable Aquatic Food Production in BAngladeSh, and was executed by a multidisciplinary team of Dutch and Bangladesh research institutes (Institute of Marine Sciences, CU). The ECOBAS project was funded by Partners for Water. Also the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands financed extra monitoring activities in the second phase of the project which enabled generation of more data and a broader understanding of the research. For more information,

This project was funded by the NUFFIC (The Netherlands) that utilized the concept of oysters as ecosystem engineers and studied the rock oyster, Saccostrea cucullata, in a subtropical, monsoon dominated environment in Bangladesh. This particular environment imposes dynamic conditions for oysters to grow and act as ecosystem engineers. This study investigated the critical factors that determine oyster (S. cucullata) growth and development in a dynamic, monsoon dominated coastal ecosystem of Bangladesh. This study performed experiments by using oyster breakwater reefs to evaluate their eco-engineering effect on: (1) erosion control; and (2) biodiversity of benthic macroinvertebrates and fishes. It was aimed that the application of oyster breakwater reefs can be beneficial to mitigate erosion of tidal flats, promote sediment accretion and facilitate habitats for increasing saltmarsh growth and faunal abundance. 
This study demonstrated that the use of the oyster breakwater reefs has multiple benefits. It can locally protect tidal flats against erosion and promote saltmarsh growth at the lee side of the reefs. These reefs act as breakwater and dissipate wave energy that accelerate the soft sediment deposition behind the structure and increase the bed level. This type of morphological changes may provide opportunities for mangrove planting. The study also showed that eco-engineered oyster reefs can support a high density of macro-benthos in reef areas, sessile macrofauna on surface of reef substrates, large number of motile macro-invertebrates in reef system that attract transient nektons. The oyster breakwater reefs clearly has the potential to improve fishery production by providing high quality habitat and prey to a variety of commercially and ecologically important fishes, shrimps and crabs. For more information:

Mangroves are extremely important coastal resources providing a variety of environmental supports, which are vital to the socio-economic development. OiLAB investigated to analyze the socio-environmental role of mangroves in the Teknaf Peninsula. OiLAB explored that mangrove ecosystems play significant role in sustaining livelihoods in this region through providing diverse ecosystem products and services. OiLAB documented the ecosystem services through field investigations and developed co-management framework addressing the opinions of a wider stakeholder groups for sustainable use of mangrove resources. For more information, https://chowdhury et a., 2009.