Fazilatun Nesa is currently pursuing her second MSc in Aquaculture and Marine Resource Management at Wageningen University and Research in The Netherlands. She obtained her BSc and first MSc at the University of Chittagong (Bangladesh), where she established a solid foundation in Marine Sciences. Her research interests lie in the field of coastal and marine resources management for conservation, preservation and sustainable development of coastlines. Her previous research focused on time-series analysis of remote sensing data to detect the land use and land cover changes on Saint Martin’s Island. She also worked with OiLAB benthic habitat monitoring team, who conducted ecological assessments of Anthozoan habitats in the northern Bay of Bengal.
Currently, Fazilatun has been involved with OiLAB coastal vulnerability model development program that aims to understand the relationship and interactions between coastal morphology and hydrodynamics, which is crucial for predicting the changes in coastal configuration. Fazilatun is passionate about her responsibilities and is dedicated to making a positive impact in the sustainable management of the coastal and marine bio-resources.