Ummeh Iffat


Ummeh Iffat is working for University of Chittagong as a Lecturer in the Department of Oceanography. She achieved MS degree in Oceanography from the Department of Oceanography under National Science and Technology Fellowship (NST) program and BSc in Marine Science from the Institute of Marine Sciences as a merit scholar to University of Chittagong. Additionally, she received comprehensive training on the application of remote sensing tools in oceanography from the ESSO – Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), India. Her research interests lie in the field of chemical oceanography. Particularly, she has an interest in better understanding the process involved in the carbon cycle and its role to marine life and ecosystems of the Bay of Bengal.
In her previous research, Iffat investigated microplastic pollution loads and their distribution across the south-east coastal waters of Bangladesh along with their ingestion rate in different fish gutsCurrently, she is actively involved with micro-plastic monitoring initiatives of the OiLAB that aims to measure 

the level of micro-plastic pollution and the impacts of microplastic exposure on the coastal and marine food webs in the northern Bay of Bengal. Moreover, she is an active member of the OiLAB OA (ocean acidification) research team, who are monitoring the coral bleaching in the St. Martin’s Island MPA.