Ummay Tahura serves University of Chittagong in the tenure track position at the Department of Oceanography. Her interests lie in the field of physical oceanography. Particularly, she is investigating the ocean hydrodynamic forces and their variations due to monsoonal climate that shape the coastal geo-morphology of the north-eastern coast of the Bay of Bengal.
Tahura received her BSc and MSc in Oceanography with the distinction from the University of Chittagong. She investigated the level of micro-plastic pollution in the bed sediments and waters of the south-eastern coast of Bangladesh through National Science and Technology (NST) fellowship program. Currently, she has been working in the OiLAB Ocean modeling group, who are working to develop a coastal vulnerability model (CVM) considering hydrodynamics, geo-morphological and social characteristics of the Bangladesh coast. This model is designed to identify the vulnerable zones and the vulnerable receptors that help to select mitigation strategies, making a way for policy makers to take the necessary steps for enhancing
coastal resilience. She is also taking part in the Delta research team of OiLAB and contributing to measure and model the suspended and bed sediment loads including their transports in estuaries, shallow shelf and canyon mouth near the Swatch of No Ground (SoNG) MPA.